What makes relationships so complex?

Many people stay in complicated relationships, believing they can get better. Unfortunately, not all do.

Open communication is key when dealing with a complicated relationship. Ambiguous boundaries and unclear signals can lead to negative behaviors such as cheating or codependency. Here are some of the biggest challenges that can arise in a complicated relationship:


Commitment can mean different things in relationships. In the most basic sense, commitment refers to a person’s willingness to take a relationship to the next level, such as becoming monogamous, moving in together, or planning future events. However, a fear of commitment can also play out in less obvious ways. For example, if you notice that your partner is reluctant to talk about the future of your relationship or consistently makes excuses to avoid planning events in advance, this may be a sign of commitment issues.

Another common sign of commitment issues is when a person spends an excessive amount of time questioning the strength of their feelings for their partner. This can lead to a cycle of doubt and anxiety, which ultimately can damage the relationship. Individuals who struggle with commitment typically have underlying fears about being hurt, becoming bored, or losing their freedom. Recognizing these underlying fears can help individuals overcome their resistance to love and commitment.


In relationships, communication is crucial to understanding one another and meeting our needs. However, it can also be complicated. This is because people interpret language differently and are often unable to clearly convey their thoughts, feelings, and opinions.

Complications in communication can result from miscommunication, lack of openness, or differences in perspective. They may include misunderstandings, fatigue, comparison, or resentment. In addition, they can lead to confusion and a lack of trust.

Thankfully, these problems can be corrected with clearer communication and a commitment to solving issues as they arise. This is especially important when it comes to romantic relationships. It is possible to uncomplicate your relationship by being honest and putting your cards on the table, and by listening actively with a focus on understanding rather than proving that you are right. It is also helpful to seek outside perspectives to provide validation and encouragement. They can also help you create healthy communication habits.


Affection is a sense of fondness and liking that can be expressed through gestures or words. Affection can be romantic or platonic. It can also refer to physical intimacy, such as kissing and holding hands. Affection can be a complex emotion to deal with, and it can be a cause of conflict in relationships.

One of the biggest reasons a relationship can become complicated is because one partner starts to take their affection for granted. This can be a result of insecurity or just a general change in behavior. Either way, it can lead to a lot of misunderstandings and confusion.

Another reason a relationship can get complicated is because one partner wants more than they can give. This can be a result of insecurity, a desire to control, or even narcissism. If you notice that your partner is craving affection, it is important to communicate clearly with them. This will help avoid confusion and misunderstandings.


Devotion is a common part of many religious traditions. It is especially prevalent in those that have theistic tendencies, but can also be found among some nontheistic schools, such as Zen Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta.

The relationship between the devotee and the deity in this context is frequently one of submission. The devotee is often seen as morally weak, sinful and insignificant, while the deity is overwhelmingly superior. This may be the basis of infatuation that can lead to devotion, but it is not always an easy relationship to sustain.